‘A Father’s Legacy’—A Timely Movie That Motivates

By Diane Howard, Ph.D.

A Father’s Legacy is a timely, thought-provoking, inspirational story that looks at family, redemption, and loyalty as it follows a young man (Jason Mac) on the run after an armed robbery. Hiding from the law, he sets out to find the father he never knew. Venturing further away from the city streets, he finds himself at the secluded home of a stranger (Tobin Bell). As the days pass and the secrets about their past are revealed, they learn that they might not have been looking for each other…but they may have been brought together for a reason.

Jason Mac serves as a good writer, director, and actor for “A Father’s Legacy.” He says, “This film was born out of one of the most difficult times in my life.  My father passed away unexpectedly four years ago. He was one of my protectors, my guardian who I knew would always be there to lift me up. And then he wasn’t. It forced me to look inside myself and to really consider what a father means to a son. And what a son is to a father.  I was incredibly fortunate to have a loving and supportive father who was present my entire life. Many aren’t as fortunate.”

Further, Jason says, “A Father’s Legacy” is a fictional story, but it is my thoughts and reflections on this father/son relationship. This is my love-letter to my own father. It explores ideas of legacy, redemption, and faith. Too many young men have no male role models growing up. And that is also a message I hope can grow out of this film…‘to be there.’

Furthermore, the film focuses on the following: father, son relationships; consequences, ripple effects our actions have on others; legacy and responsibility; learning to trust; importance of family and more.

Here is my exclusive interview with Jason Mac:

DH: What have you learned about what makes a good father?

JM: A good father is there for his children. He is not necessarily perfect but is willing to invest in his children.

DH: How is God a good father to his sons and daughters?

JM: He is always there for His children with love but also allows them to deal with consequences of their choices.

DH: What have you learned about Biblical fatherhood principles?

JM: God wants us to show Him that we are willing to trust and follow Him. He wants to us seek that we might find.

DH: What have you learned about what makes a good son or daughter?

JM: A good son or daughter needs to be there for parents. They need to be open to learn. They need to be invested in their parents. It is a two-way relationship.

DH: What have you learned about Biblical principles about how to be a good son or daughter?

JM: Good sons and daughters respect and honor their parents.

DH: Why are good fathers needed especially today?

JM: Male role models are needed. Children need to see how fathers interact, provide, model a good work ethic, and demonstrate character. Statistics show that there is a much higher incarceration for the fatherless.

DH: What does this film reveal about the consequences on sons and daughters of poor and good choices of fathers?

JM: We all have to answer for what we do. Shame is a killer.  We need to own what we do. We need to atone for what we do wrong. Love is on the other end.

DH: What does the movie reveal about the consequences of poor and good choices of sons and daughters?

JM: Parents and children need to own the consequences of what they do.  


The Bible teaches us much about how we can know God as our Father only through Christ, such as in John 1:12 “But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man, but born of God.”

Diane Howard, Ph.D. is a dialogue, dialect and voice-over coach, as well as a journalist who writes about the role of faith in movies and in the entertainment field. Her website is dianehoward.com.